Towcester update and Adults return

As some of you are aware Nicholas Hawksmoor School in Towcester has received notification of positive cases of the Indian variant of Covid and some classes have had to self isolate.

Public Health England have advised the school needed to surge test and this has taken place for most of the weekend. This includes all children, parents/carers and teachers. As Blain attends NHPS that has included us as a household, the results have come back all negative and whilst this is good news we have to remain vigilant.

Therefore Tove Valley Centre have suspended hiring the hall for next week so we are unable to train on Monday and Wednesday rather than try and find an alternative venue we have decided to cancel next weeks lessons on Monday and Wednesday to try and keep us all safe. We apologise for any inconvenience caused but our first priority must be safety for us all.

All other classes remain unaffected and will continue with the usual safety measures in place.

On a more positive note from Monday adults can now attend again 😊 please make sure to text Brian 07737 034354 before attending as Covid regulations continue with numbers being restricted so have to keep note of who is attending and numbers on a first come first served basis to be fair.

Thanks for everyone’s understanding and commitment let’s hope we can get to June 21st where we can train normally 😊.

Take care all 🥋

Reminder classes at Tove Valley centre tomorrow, Monday 3rd, on as normal 5.30pm to 6.15pm See you all there 👊🏻

Sunday’s tour stops at Harpenden, Roundwood sports hall and Gadebridge in Hemel 👊🏻

Danni joined in the tour tonight
Letchworth Dojo

Thursdays tour, back at Roundwood

Day three and we’re at NHPS and Tove Valley Centre in Towcester.

Comeback tour continued tonight at Tanners Wood in Abbots Langley and Thomas Coram in Berkhamsted.

First lesson back Monday 12th
Great start to the karate comeback
New venue with Brian Owen
Will take some inside pictures later in the week
Keep an eye out for the tour pictures

Confirmation that we will be restarting karate on Monday April 12th (for children under the age of 18) within the current Covid-19 government guidelines. 

Parents dropping their children to class will not be permitted to stay, if they need to they must wait outside. Spectators to martial arts classes are not allowed under COVID-19 guidelines. Classes will have a clear entry and exit. A hand cleaning station at the door where all persons entering and exiting the class area can sanitise their hands.

We will be keeping all classes to 45 minutes allowing time for cleaning between and after classes and to maintain social distancing. There will be no entry from those attending the next class until all those in the previous class have left. 

There will be no changing room facilities so you need to come ready dressed in karate Gi, belt and wearing soft soled trainers or sports shoes.

Please limit what you bring into the class. No sparring or equipment to be used at this time, also no attendance books or water bottles to be brought, an attendance list will be kept for each lesson. 

All students need to text 

Brian 07737 034354 if they wish to attend in order to avoid exceeding maximum numbers allowed.

Good news we are excited to advise you that we are back! 😀

We are so excited to get back on track and focusing on training again from Monday 12th April for all students under 18 years old. Adults will be able to train from May 17th. (All going to plan) 

As an independent business it has been extremely challenging after working and building the club for 35 years closing it down was extremely hard to watch. We appreciate everyone’s support during these tough times as a small business we need the support to keep the business running. 

The following classes will be restarting (covid guidelines will be in place to ensure the safety of our students and instructors in line with government recommendations) 

Please remember no equipment, no attendance books, no water bottles and wear trainers.

We will confirm the steps as we go in case anything changes and will advise about schedules and direct debit payments. 

Restart Lesson details below 

Monday 12th April 

Tove Valley Centre, Towcester 

5.30pm to 6.15pm All Grades

Tuesday 13th April

Tanners Wood Hall, Abbots Langley

4.30pm to 5.15pm White to Purple/White belts and Tiny Tigers 

5.30pm to 6.15pm Brown and Black belts

Thomas Coram, Berkhamsted

7.00pm to 7.45pm All Grades

Wednesday 14th April

NHPS, Towcester 

4.15pm to 5.00pm All Grades

Tove Valley Centre, Towcester 

5.30pm to 6.15pm All Grades

Thursday 15th April

Roundwood School, Harpenden

5.30pm to 6.15pm Tiny Tigers

6.30pm to 7.15pm White to Purple/White belts

7.30pm to 8.15pm Brown and Black belts

Friday 16th April 

Pixmore School, Letchworth 

5.00pm to 5.45pm Tiny Tigers

6.00pm to 6.45pm White to Purple/White belts

7.00pm to 7.45pm Brown and Black belts

Tanners Wood Hall, Abbots Langley 

5.00pm to 5.45pm White to Purple/White belts and Tiny Tigers 

6.00pm to 6.45pm Brown and Black belts

Sunday 18th April 

Roundwood sports centre, Harpenden

9.30am to 10.15am Tiny Tigers

9.30am to 10.15am All Grades

Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead

10.15am to 11.00am Tiny Tigers

11.15am to 12noon All Grades

Brian 07737 034354